He is able:
- To create every thing from nothingness with a word.
- To breathe life into dust from His own breath.
- To control nature.
- To protect armies when outnumbered.
- To enable the physically old to have children.
- To know the number of hairs on our heads.
- To fulfill his promises.
- To love without condition.
- To be perfect as the Son of man.
- To know the number of our tears.
- To bear our burdens for His yoke is light.
- To share our grief.
- To resist temptation.
- To cast out demons with a word.
- To heal all infirmities with a word.
- To raise the dead.
- To defeat hell and the grave.
- To rise from the dead.
- To be our sacrifice.
- To reconcile us to God the Father.
- To be our Hight Priest.
- To cleanse us from our unrighteousness.
- To make us new.
- To command the angels.
- To open the seals.
- To cast Satan and his demons into the eternal lake of fire.
- To create the new Jerusalem and the new earth.
- To cover us with His precious blood.
- To make our robes white as snow.
- To write our names in the Book of Life.
- To wipe every tear from our eye.
- To be our source of peace.
- To be Emmanuel. God with us.
- To be our ever present Guide, Comforter, Provider.
- To be omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient.
- To be eternal.
- To be the I AM.
- To be more and greater than anything our human minds can comprehend or imagine.
He is able, and therefore, He is worthy of all.