A biology degree is not required to describe the difference between men and women, unless a person is applying for a Supreme Court Justice position.
Genesis 1:27 NLT “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
So, nothing more to say.
Males have one X and one Y chromosomes in each cell. Females have two X chromosomes in each cell. This configuration has been determined by God and assigned to every person at conception. It cannot be changed by anyone regardless of a person’s wish. You are born a biological male or female and that’s it. Nothing in between.
A person can identify as car, but they will never be a car. They can identify as a dog, but they will never be a dog. They are either a biological male or female, period.
You may have heard the term non-binary. What a ridiculous use of this word to describe a person who claims to be neither male or female. Fact, they are either a biological male or female, period.
“Men are not women, and women are not men. One of the saddest signs of our culture’s depravity is the amount and the degree of gender confusion today. It is vain to wonder if men or women are superior to the other. A man is absolutely superior at being a man. A woman is absolutely superior at being a woman. But when a man tries to be a woman or a woman tries to be a man, you have something inferior.” [David Guzik]
God has created men and women with different abilities and skills for a purpose. Both men and women, father and mother, have an integral role in the family unit. Unfortunately in today’s society one or the other is missing. Or there are two fathers or two mothers. In either case, the family unit cannot function the way God designed it and children cannot be raised properly.
Pronoun usage by some today is laughable. Personal pronouns used should be: he, she, him, her, hers, his, himself, and herself, period. Not ever: they, their, and them.
Accept the fact that God created you as a biological male or female. Quit playing God and trying to change the way you were created.
Exodus 20:3 NLT. “You must not have any other god but me.”