Believe We’re in the Last Days? You’re Not Alone
By Jan Markell
One of the most frequent e-mails into this ministry is about how alone people feel. Many state they don’t have even one person to share thoughts with as they pertain to our times and the lateness of the hour.
Yet, Pew Research just released a report that found among all U.S. adults, 39% say the “end times” are now.
That includes 47% of all Christians, which, in turn, included 55% of Protestants, 63% of evangelicals, 31% of mainline church members and 76% of historically black church memberships.
The poll states, “Periods of catastrophe and anxiety, such as the coronavirus pandemic, have historically led some people to anticipate that the destruction of the world as we know it – the ‘end times’ – is near. This thinking often has a religious component that draws on sacred scripture. In Christianity, for example, these beliefs include expectations that Jesus will return to Earth after or amid a time of great turmoil,” the poll said.
The poll was referencing Christ’s return in the Second Coming and not the Rapture. Evangelicalism remains the primary dispenser of eschatology, or the doctrine of the last days. Social justice, and other kinds of “woke theology” are capturing many churchgoers.